Dale and Brenda have been concerned with the rise of trauma issues and suicides worldwide which led them to become registered trainers in trauma care and suicide prevention. They seek opportunities to train others in techniques of how to handle trauma in their own lives and reach out to help others. Sharing the knowledge of suicide prevention techniques so all can reach out a hand of hope to those who are in such despair has become an important part of their outreach.

Through his experience as a Chaplain, Dale shares with those who find themselves addressing scares from the past and concerns for the future. He teaches how the skills of active listening and directional thoughts can be instrumental in helping those who are experiencing trauma as leaders in our communities.

 Compassionate about education and recognizing the trauma and stress of the past few years, Dr. Brenda Brown, a retired educator, often gives presentations to help teachers here and around the world learn how to deal with the stresses of the classroom and provide care for their traumatized students while also reminding them of the importance of self-care. Brenda is a gifted communicator who skillfully guides the conversation through the important steps in dealing with this kind of crisis.  


Supportive organizations

Dale and Brenda work under the umbrella of two non-profit organizations, Center for Global Strategies and Consortium for Global Education. Both entities value the importance of involving people in opportunities to learn to make our world a better place. Through both organizations, we provide Trauma Care Seminars and Suicide Prevention Seminars in our country and overseas. Brenda often works on education initiatives which help teachers recognize the cost of caring - how to handle the stress of education, how to help their students process their own stress and how educators and students can find joy in learning together again!

Licensed training provided by Trauma Healing Institute, Living Works, and Trauma Free World.

CGS’s vision is to see a world connected to the global marketplace through personal, trusting, cross-cultural relationships, building peace and increasing understanding through these business and marketplace initiatives.

As global issues force a measured and well-planned response for international participation, Consortium for Global Education is well positioned to foster integrated educational partnerships that are mutually beneficial.