We are here to help you throw a lifeline to those who are hurting…

Suicide Prevention Presentations

“The Cost of Caring” seminars:

for Educators

for Community Leaders

for Emergency Workers (fire, police, EMS)


The desperation in people’s lives leading to more and more suicides as well as being personally touched by the ripple effects of suicide, led us to seek additional training in Trauma Healing and Suicide Prevention. We have learned how to help people in any walk of life recognize the signs of someone who has become so despondent they are considering taking their own life. There are some specific signs that can easily be missed or dismissed if you are not aware of them. We will also help you learn what to do if you realize a friend or family member or even a stranger needs help. We provide links to community agencies/counselors as well as nationwide contact numbers.

The Cost of Caring for Educators provides Brenda an opportunity to share ideas with fellow teachers of how they can care for themselves as well as their students as we all navigate the stressful yet exciting world of education. “If we are not okay, our students will not be okay” is her mantra as she emphasizes self care alongside of student care. She also shares thoughts on how to help children deal with the trauma that is affecting their lives on a daily basis and techniques of how teachers can meet needs created in their classroom because of the crisis of trauma.

Dale leads The Cost of Caring for Community Leaders with reminders of self care as well as ideas of how to recognize the stress in those around you in your work world or community world. He gives specific strategies of successful ways to promote good mental health in your work place in order to achieve a happier environment and good productivity.

The Cost of Caring for Emergency Workers gives us an opportunity to promote self care in a world where stress is constant. The workers in this world live in a encompassing world of trauma. We teach how to reach out a hand of help and hope to each other as you navigate these responsibilities.

“The Cost of Caring” presentation was an eye opener to the importance of self-caring for teachers who are responsible for shaping the lives of children. It was a good reminder of self-worth for each one of us… It highlighted the importance of learning how to renew our strength and joy to be joyful and strong teachers.”

- Alice Wazir, Principal, Beirut Baptist School, Lebanon